Some of you will have family circumstances that are less than ideal heading into Christmas. You may be feeling the weight of the coming gatherings begin to push you down and rob of you of the “festive spirit”. You may wonder if you are the only one not dreaming of dancing sugarplums, but instead losing sleep on what waits for you around the corner.
Take heart my friend.
Christmas is not about an idyllic scene from a movie with the whole family chortling arm in arm as they belt out carols by the roaring fire in sweet harmony.
It is not about whatever image of perfection you have made it out to be in your mind.
Christmas is about a God, who loved his people so much, that he stepped into the mess of humanity to redeem it all. Christmas is about dirty, filthy, unlovable people being saved by a mighty and powerful God even though they did not deserve any of it.
“...but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8
Christmas is about redemption. Period.
Redemption happened when God stepped out of his perfect kingdom and walked in the darkness alongside his children to save us.
There is joy in knowing his grace has not grown stale.
There is hope in knowing He has not forgotten any one of us.
There is peace in knowing He will not give up on the lost.
HE is love that abounds so deeply it can wash over the gnashes of hurt and pain, cleansing us into holiness.
Blessings on you all this Christmas. See you in the new year!
Photo by Kaboompics // Karolina from Pexels
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